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Презентация к уроку Walt Disney и прошедшее простое время (Spotlight 6 класс) - Скачать презентации бесплатно ☑ Презентации по предметам на school-textbook.com
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1 слайд

How do you feel?<br>worried<br>scared<br>excited<br>miserable<br>bored<br>puzzled<br>tired<br>stress
2 слайд

How do you feel?
I feel ……. because……

3 слайд

4 слайд

…watch TV<br>…go dancing<br>…play football<br>…study / <br>do homework<br>…play <br>computer games<b
5 слайд

…watch TV
…go dancing
…play football
…study /
do homework
computer games
…meet friends
…go to school
…have breakfast/
…go to the gym

6 слайд

7 слайд

8 слайд

How much do you know about Walt(Walter) Disney?<br>Walt Disney was born in…<br>A – the USA<br>B – th
9 слайд

How much do you know about Walt(Walter) Disney?
Walt Disney was born in…
A – the USA
B – the UK
C – Australia
2) He sold his first drawing at the age of….
A – 10
B – 7
C – 20

3) He got ….. Oscars in his life.
A – 2
B – 26
C – 12
4) Thanks to Walt, the first color cartoon appeared.
A – true
B – false

a (cartoon) character<br>sketches <br>a screen<br>Academy Award (Oscar)<br>neighbors <br>a producer<
10 слайд

a (cartoon) character
a screen
Academy Award (Oscar)
a producer

Decide if the information in the sentences is T(true), F (false) or NS (not stated)<br>Walt Disney w
11 слайд

Decide if the information in the sentences is T(true), F (false) or NS (not stated)
Walt Disney was born in Canada.
Walter and his brother worked in Hollywood.
The mouse called Mickey was very popular.
Walt was very talented in drawing.
Walter took business courses at the university.
Walter didn`t win any Academy Awards.

Question word<br>did<br>Subject<br>V1<br>?<br>Question words<br>What (Что)<br>When (когда)<br>Where
12 слайд

Question word
Question words
What (Что)
When (когда)
Where (где)
How old (сколько лет)
What + существительное (какой…..)
How (как)
What did you do yesterday?

13 слайд

14 слайд

15 слайд

I learnt about…<br>I learnt that …<br>It was difficult to ….<br>It was interesting to ….<br><br>I kn
16 слайд

I learnt about…
I learnt that …
It was difficult to ….
It was interesting to ….

I know….
I understand….
I can….

Homework<br>Choose a famous person and make notes about:<br>Name<br>Date of birth<br>Place of birth<
17 слайд

Choose a famous person and make notes about:
Date of birth
Place of birth
Interests / hobbies
What is he/she famous for?

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