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Презентация на тему: "Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе к УМК Вербицкой М.В. Forward "Festiovals and holidays""

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе к УМК Вербицкой М.В. Forward "Festiovals and holidays" - Скачать презентации бесплатно ☑ Презентации по предметам на school-textbook.com
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Презентация "Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе к УМК Вербицкой М.В. Forward "Festiovals and holidays"" онлайн бесплатно или скачать на сайте электронных школьных учебников/презентаций school-textbook.com

How to retell the story about parrot:                       <br><br>  <br>РAST SIMPLE<br>+
1 слайд

How to retell the story about parrot:

+ V2 .

did not V1

?Did V1 ?

First …
Then …
After that …
At last …

Festivals @<br>HoLIDAYS !<br>
2 слайд

Festivals @

3 слайд


Maslenitsa<br><br>                               Shrovetide<br><br><br><br>Pancake day<br><br>
4 слайд



Pancake day

Vocabulary<br>religious -религиозный<br><br>Lent − Великий пост (перед Пасхой)<br><br>to fast − пост
5 слайд

religious -религиозный

Lent − Великий пост (перед Пасхой)

to fast − поститься

Present Continuous Tense<br>They are ( She is) …<br><br>Present Continuous<br>+             am/is/ar
6 слайд

Present Continuous Tense
They are ( She is) …

Present Continuous
+ am/is/are V ing
am/is/are not V ing
? am/ is/are V ing?

What are they doing?

7 слайд

8 слайд

9 слайд

They  are dong tug-of-war contest!<br>
10 слайд

They are dong tug-of-war contest!

They  are sledging!<br>
11 слайд

They are sledging!

They are watching bear show!<br><br><br>
12 слайд

They are watching bear show!

They are storming a snow fort!<br><br>
13 слайд

They are storming a snow fort!

They  are eating pancakes!<br>
14 слайд

They are eating pancakes!

Are these statements true or false?<br><br> <br>1. It’s false. People celebrate Maslenitsa in the en
15 слайд

Are these statements true or false?

1. It’s false. People celebrate Maslenitsa in the end of winter.
2. It’s true.
3. It’s true.
4. It’s false. The week ends with burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa, a symbol of winter.

1. Maslenitsa is a summer festival.
2. A pancake was a symbol of the Sun in pagan Russia.
3. The celebrations last a whole week.
4. Burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa begins the celebrations.

Answer the questions.<br>What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa?<br><br>2. Why is it an impor
16 слайд

Answer the questions.
What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa?

2. Why is it an important part of celebrations?

3. What is the difference between bear shows in the past and today?

1. Pancakes are traditional dish at Maslenitsa.
2. It is an important part of celebrations because ancient Russians believed that by eating a pancake they were getting part of the Sun’s life energy.
3. Bear shows in the past were with real bears and today there are actors in bear costumes.

Answer the questions.<br>1. What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa?<br>2. Why is it an import
17 слайд

Answer the questions.
1. What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa?
2. Why is it an important part of celebrations?
3. What is the difference between bear shows in the past and today?
1. Pancakes are traditional dish at Maslenitsa.
2. It is an important part of celebrations because ancient Russians believed that by eating a pancake they were getting part of the Sun’s life energy.
3. Bear shows in the past were with real bears and today there are actors in bear costumes.

18 слайд

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