Презентация на тему: "Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Люди и животные в деревне и в городе"""

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Listen and repeat:
[i:] – sea, field, eagle, please
[e] – weather, elephant, desert
[eu] – cold, most, ocean, road
[au] – town, flower, cloudy, mountain
[ei]- game, today, change, whale
Say which animal live:
a) on a farm; b) in the zoo;
c) in the forest
A fox, a hen, a wolf, a rabbit, a cockerel, a kangaroo, a giraffe, a bear, a tiger, a sheep, a cow, a lion, a monkey, a duck, a pig, an elephant, a horse, a parrot.
a fox, a hen, a wolf, a rabbit, a cockerel, a kangaroo, a giraffe, a bear, a tiger, a sheep, a cow, a lion
Match and read the dialogue
1)Have you got a pet?
2) What′s its name?
3) What does it like to eat?
4) What is it like?
5) What can it do?
b) Ashby is big, kind and strong.
c) Yes. I′ve got a camel.
d) Ashby likes my father to carry things.
e) Grass and apple.
Check yourself
Have you got a pet? – Yes. I′ve got a camel.
What′s its name? – Ashby.
What is it like? – Ashby is big, kind and strong.
What does it like to eat? – Grass (трава) and apple.
- What can it do? – Ashby likes my father to carry things.
Answer the questions:
1.Who is the cleverest animal?
a) dolphin
b) monkey
c) hen
d) penguin
2. Who is the biggest animal on the land?
c) Giraffe
d) cow
Answer the questions:
3. Who is the fastest animal on the land?
a) kangaroo
b) eagle
c) leopard
d) horse
4. Who is the biggest animal in the sea?
a) dolphin
b) fish
c) shark
d) whale