Презентация на тему: "Урок по теме "Важные дни семьи""

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Верещагино, 2022
Урок английского языка
в 10 классе
Important days
of the family
Учитель Носкова Т.Н.
What days do you celebrate in your family?
1. Work individually
2. Discuss in pairs
3. Discuss in groups
2. Read the text and agree or disagree with the statement:
” The most important day is a birthday”
Use the plan:
T (тезис-a statement)
A (аргументы -arguments)
H (наглядность, примеры -examples)
K (кольцевание, вывод- conclusion)
3. Read the text
1. Write a cinquain
2. Retell the story as you are:
1) Angela.
2) her father.
3) her best friend.
Ex. 103,p. 82 in different form
How did you work in the lesson?
-I can name the important dates of my family.
-I can retell about the important dates of my family.
- I can tell why I choose these holidays\dates as the most important.