Презентация на тему: "Английский алфавит в стихах (2кл)"

Английский алфавит в стихах (2кл) - Скачать презентации бесплатно ☑ Презентации по предметам на school-textbook.com
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WELCOME to ABC Party!!!<br>
1 слайд

WELCOME to ABC Party!!!

2 слайд

A is for Apples and Apple-trees<br>You can see apples on apple-trees.<br><br>
3 слайд

A is for Apples and Apple-trees
You can see apples on apple-trees.

B is for Books and for Bookcase.<br>I have many books in my bookcase.<br><br>
4 слайд

B is for Books and for Bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.

C is for Cat. My cat is grey,<br>And with me it likes to play.<br><br>
5 слайд

C is for Cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.

D is for Dog and for Doggy.<br>I have a dog, not a doggy.<br><br>
6 слайд

D is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.

E is for Eight and for Eleven.<br>How much is eight and eleven?<br><br>
7 слайд

E is for Eight and for Eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?

F is for Flowers: red and blue,<br>White and yellow and rosy, too.<br>
8 слайд

F is for Flowers: red and blue,
White and yellow and rosy, too.

G is for Girl, and also for Garden.<br>I see a girl going to the garden.<br><br>
9 слайд

G is for Girl, and also for Garden.
I see a girl going to the garden.

H is for Hand. I have two hands.<br>This is the way I clap my hands.<br><br>
10 слайд

H is for Hand. I have two hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.

I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten.<br>I like to play with my brother Ben.<br>
11 слайд

I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.

J is for Jam. This is apple jam.<br>Jimmy likes it, and  Sam.<br><br>
12 слайд

J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and Sam.

K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.<br>It is little, and it is white.<br><br>
13 слайд

K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little, and it is white.

L is for Letter. This letter is for me.<br>It is from my sister, as you can see.<br><br>
14 слайд

L is for Letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.

M is for May and for May Day<br>For March and for Mother's day.<br><br>
15 слайд

M is for May and for May Day
For March and for Mother's day.

N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.<br>Children, how much is Ninety and nine?<br><br>
16 слайд

N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine.
Children, how much is Ninety and nine?

O is for One. One and two is three.<br>Three little cats are in a tree.<br><br>
17 слайд

O is for One. One and two is three.
Three little cats are in a tree.

P is for Pencils. With them I draw:<br>A red pen, a green tree and a blue door.<br><br>
18 слайд

P is for Pencils. With them I draw:
A red pen, a green tree and a blue door.

Q is for Questions: How are you?<br>How old are you? And How do you do?<br><br>
19 слайд

Q is for Questions: How are you?
How old are you? And How do you do?

R is for Red. Many things are red.<br>What can be red? Do you know, Fred?<br><br>
20 слайд

R is for Red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know, Fred?

S is for Street. This is my street.<br>I have many trees in my street.<br><br>
21 слайд

S is for Street. This is my street.
I have many trees in my street.

T is for Tick and for Tock.<br>"Tick-tock", - says the clock.<br><br>
22 слайд

T is for Tick and for Tock.
"Tick-tock", - says the clock.

U is for Under, but not for At.<br>"I'm under the tree", says Pat.<br><br>
23 слайд

U is for Under, but not for At.
"I'm under the tree", says Pat.

V is in five and also in seven.<br>It is in twelve and eleven.<br><br>
24 слайд

V is in five and also in seven.
It is in twelve and eleven.

W is for Winter, <br>I like winter and I like cold.<br>
25 слайд

W is for Winter,
I like winter and I like cold.

X is in Six. Let's count up to six!<br>One, two, three, four, five, six!<br><br>
26 слайд

X is in Six. Let's count up to six!
One, two, three, four, five, six!

Y is for Yard where children play.<br>They play in the yard every day.<br><br>
27 слайд

Y is for Yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.

Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the Zoo.<br>I like to go to the Zoo. And you?<br><br>
28 слайд

Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the Zoo. And you?

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