Презентация на тему: "Презентация Family 2 класс"

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1 слайд

Where is the Lady Bug?<br><br>The Lady Bug is in the kitchen.<br> <br>
2 слайд

Where is the Lady Bug?

The Lady Bug is in the kitchen.

Where is Fyodor, his mother and his father?<br><br>Fyodor, his mother and his father are<br> in the
3 слайд

Where is Fyodor, his mother and his father?

Fyodor, his mother and his father are
in the living room.

Where are the Wolf and Grandmother?<br>The Wolf and Grandmother are <br>in the bedroom.<br>
4 слайд

Where are the Wolf and Grandmother?
The Wolf and Grandmother are
in the bedroom.

Where is Miss Bok?<br>Miss Bok is in the bathroom.<br>
5 слайд

Where is Miss Bok?
Miss Bok is in the bathroom.

6 слайд

7 слайд

This is the Croods family.<br>
8 слайд

This is the Croods family.

This is the Croods family.<br>Father<br>Sandy<br>Grandmother<br>Brother<br>Sister<br>Mother<br>
9 слайд

This is the Croods family.

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