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Презентация на тему: "Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса на тему "Чудные законы""

Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса на тему "Чудные законы" - Скачать презентации бесплатно ☑ Презентации по предметам на school-textbook.com
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WEIRD LAWS<br>Marina Borisovna Safiulina,<br>School №28, Irkutsk<br>20.11.22 <br>
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Marina Borisovna Safiulina,
School №28, Irkutsk

<br><br>Aims of the lesson:<br> <br>• to learn about strange laws in different states of the USA <br
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Aims of the lesson:

• to learn about strange laws in different states of the USA
• to understand cohesion within the text (Exercise A)
• to read for specific information (Exercise B)
• to infer lexical meaning from context (Exercise C)
• to engage students in discussions to enable them to personalize the cross-cultural topic of the unit (Exercise D)

<br> Exercise A <br><br>• Look at the sentences in exercise A. There are seven sentences but only si
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Exercise A

• Look at the sentences in exercise A. There are seven sentences but only six gaps in the text (one sentence is extra).
• Reading the text
Lets complete the gaps. Checking homework

A 4 B 7 C 5 D 6 E 1 F 2
Extra sentence: 3

<br><br>Exercise B <br>• You will need to read the text in more detail to do it. <br>• six minutes t
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Exercise B
• You will need to read the text in more detail to do it.
• six minutes to do the activity in pairs.
• Elicit answers. You have to justify them by referring back to the text.

1. for throwing a ball (at a policeman)
2. The sea was over 500 miles away.
3. twice (In Colorado and Utah)
4. There were mice in his hotel room.
5. Europe or Asia
6. 7
7. fishing / catching mice

<br><br>Exercise C <br>• You should find the words in the text, note them down and match them with t
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Exercise C
• You should find the words in the text, note them down and match them with the definitions given.
• about five minutes to do the activity.
• a minute to compare answers in pairs.
• Elicit answers

<br>Exercise D <br><br><br>Discuss the questions in pairs first. <br>(up to five minutes to discuss
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Exercise D

Discuss the questions in pairs first.
(up to five minutes to discuss two questions)

<br>We’ve already finished studying unit 4. <br><br>Get ready for the test: revise vocabulary and gr
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We’ve already finished studying unit 4.

Get ready for the test: revise vocabulary and grammar rules in unit 3 and 4

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