Презентация на тему: "Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Антарктика" (9 класс)"

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What do you know about Antarctica? Read the fact file. Which piece(s) of information do you find most impressive?
All About Antarctica
It is the coldest, windiest, highest and driest place in the world.
It is approximately 48 times the size of the UK and twice as big as Australia.
It has over 90% of the world’s ice and 70% of its fresh water.
In some places, its ice is over 3 km thick.
It has not rained in the in the ‘dry valleys’ region of Antarctica for at least 2 million years.
The lowest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -89.6º C
Some of the fish around Antarctica have proteins in their bodies which stop their blood from freezing.
Study the words. How could these things be related to Antarctica? Read the text to find out.
greenhouse gases - парниковые газы
melting ice – таяние льда
global warming – глобальное потепление
rising world temperatures – повышение температуры на Земле
burning fossils fuel – сжигание ископаемого топлива
adventures tourists – экстремальные туристы ( любители всего захватывающего и интересного)
CO2 emissions – выхлопы углекислого газа
Read and choose the correct word for (A-D) for each gap (1-10).
The Challenge of Antarctica
A hundred years ago, the great
explorers Scott, Shackleton
and Amundsen were racing to
be the first to reach the South
Pole. Today, the beautiful
frozen continent of
Antarctica is facing some very
different challenges…
Global Warming
Global warming is nothing new. We all know that burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gases and deforestation are 1) _____ world temperatures to rise.
1 A meaning B causing C putting D effecting
But 2) _____ the past 50 years, Antarctica’s temperatures have increased by about 3º C, around 10 times more than the rest of the world! As a result glaciers and the sea ice are melting and ice shelves are breaking off into the sea, which is very bad news! If Antarctica’s thick, polar ice sheet 3) _____ melts, not only will the world heat up generally, but global sea levels could rise by about 6 metres, flooding many coastal areas. This is extremely worrying, as almost every city with over 10 million people is 4) _____ the coast.
2 A to B from C about D over
3 A eventually B lastly C lately D truly
4 A at B on C about D around
Another problem is that melting ice forms clouds, which 5) _____ to more snowfall. This can make life very difficult for some of the wildlife in Antarctica, such as penguins, whose eggs rot in the snow.
Scientists are also worrying about rising sea temperatures. In seas just 2º C warmer, mollusks cannot bury themselves in the seabed, limpets cannot turn over and scallops can’t swim. These creatures are then caught more easily by predators and the 6) _____ food chain is affected. It won’t be long, therefore, before larger birds and animals such as whales, seals and sealions are endangered if sea temperatures continue to rise!
5 A directs B leads C follows D results
6 A whole B total C big D full
Human Impact
Antarctica isn’t called ‘ The Earth’s
last great wilderness’ for no 7) ___ !
No country owns it and no native
people live there. Therefore, its
clean air, water and ice make it
the perfect place for scientists
to 8) _____ out research. Therefore,
Antarctica has become the world’s largest laboratory! Many countries have 9) _____ scientific bases there, which means that the population now ranges from about 1,000 in winter to about 4,000 in summer. Also, 30,000 adventures tourists now visit Antarctica each year.
7 A intention B cause C opinion D reason
8 A carry B put C bring D have
9 A set down B made up C set up D put down
It might seem like a nice idea to visit a totally unspoilt place full of amazing scenery, wildlife, glaciers and icebergs, but wherever there are humans, there is impact on the environment such as rubbish, CO2 emissions from burning fuel and pollution from boats. If we are not careful, both scientists and tourists may 10) _____ the very qualities that draw them to Antarctica!
10 A break B kill C injure D damage
Explain the words/phrases in bold.