Презентация на тему: "Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Еда" (3 класс)"

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click the right word to complete the sentence
There are ______ apples and bananas.
There aren’t _____ burgers.
click the right word to complete the sentence
There is ____ rice in the fridge.
click the right word to complete the sentence
Can I have ______ milk, please?
click the right word to complete the sentence
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) a tomato, 2) a cheese, 3) a meat and
4) any egg. There aren’t 5) some sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) a cheese, 3) a meat and 4) any egg. There aren’t 5) some sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) a meat and 4) any egg. There aren’t 5) some sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) some meat and 4) any egg. There aren’t
5) some sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) some meat and 4) an egg. There aren’t
5) some sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) some meat and 4) an egg. There aren’t
5) any sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) no sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) some meat and 4) an egg. There aren’t
5) any sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) a sandwich with
7) a tea. Yummy!
Hello! I’m Alice. Today I want to make breakfast for my mum.
My mummy likes sandwiches! In my sandwich there is 1) some tomato, 2) some cheese,
3) some meat and 4) an egg. There aren’t
5) any sausages and carrots.
Mummy likes to have 6) a sandwich with
7) some tea. Yummy!
Запиши видео, как ты делаешь для мамы бутерброд. Расскажи, из чего он состоит.
Hello! My name is …
I want to make breakfast for my mother.
There is … in my sandwich. Yummy!