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Healthy eating <br>
1 слайд

Healthy eating

Complete the sentences:<br>1. The modern bad habits are …<br>2. … is really a good way to live.<br>3
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Complete the sentences:
1. The modern bad habits are …
2. … is really a good way to live.
3. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for …
4. Doctors always advice us to eat …
5. … makes people healthy and keeps them fit.
6. If you want to keep fit you must …
7. … dangerous for our health.
8. A healthy way of life includes …

The seven important things<br>Carbohydrates<br>Protein<br>Fluid<br>Vitamins<br>Fats<br>Minerals<br>F
3 слайд

The seven important things

Let’s check<br><br><br><br><br><br>
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Let’s check

Your daily diet<br>Vitamins A, B, C, D<br>Minerals (calcium 700 mg, iron 13 mg)<br>Carbohydrates 400
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Your daily diet
Vitamins A, B, C, D
Minerals (calcium 700 mg, iron 13 mg)
Carbohydrates 400 g
Protein 60 g
Fats 70 g
Fluid 1.7 litres

Adverbs<br>much/many – more <br>little – less <br>Eat  less sugar and more fruit and vegetables.<br>
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much/many – more
little – less
Eat less sugar and more fruit and vegetables.
Don’t eat much salt.
Try to eat more fibre, it is low fat.
Eat less high fat food and more fibre.

Why are they important?<br>Carbohydrates<br>Fats<br>Vitamins<br>Protein <br>Water<br>Minerals <br>Fi
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Why are they important?
cleans the inside of the body.
make your bones and teeth strong.
is important for blood.
are important for eyes and skin.
make you strong and give energy.
give you energy.
helps to grow and gives energy.

Home task<br>Make up your own guide to healthy eating. You should write about food which is useful a
8 слайд

Home task
Make up your own guide to healthy eating. You should write about food which is useful and you should write some sentences with “Don’t…”
You can write it on a sheet of paper or you can make a leaflet with your advice.

Использованные источники<br>Кузовлев В.П. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «Английский язык», 9 класс. «Пр
9 слайд

Использованные источники
Кузовлев В.П. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «Английский язык», 9 класс. «Просвещение», Москва.
Петрова Е.П. How to keep fit. «1 сентября», Москва.
Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК В.П.Кузовлева, «Вако», Москва.

Камышанова Александра Игоревна,<br>учитель английского языка <br>МБОУ «СОШ № 14»<br>г.Каменск-Шахтин
10 слайд

Камышанова Александра Игоревна,
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ № 14»
г.Каменск-Шахтинский Ростовской области

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