Презентация на тему: "Hambantota Port"

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Most Viable Investment Opportunity in the world today Hambantota Port The island nation is capable o
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Most Viable Investment Opportunity in the world today Hambantota Port The island nation is capable of feeding both the East and West coast of the Indian subcontinent and is at the center of East West shipping Lanes

Sri Lanka’s biggest investment zone in Hambantota almost equal to all investment zones in the countr
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Sri Lanka’s biggest investment zone in Hambantota almost equal to all investment zones in the country

The southern tip of the Island the town of Hambantota Airport Sports Facility and Convention Center
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The southern tip of the Island the town of Hambantota Airport Sports Facility and Convention Center Industrial Zone and other mega facilities Airport Sports Center Convention Center

Land amounting to 1100 hectares added The new zone connected with a flyover to the Hambantota port.
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Land amounting to 1100 hectares added The new zone connected with a flyover to the Hambantota port. The current Hambantota port area covers 1,500 hectares (3,705 acres) 140-hectare (345.8 acres) area for investments. Salalah (Oman), Dubai and Singapore these lack the necessary space for expansion. Convert Sri Lanka in to a logistics center Hambantota

Hambantota Port
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Hambantota Port

The Industrial Zone The water front space availability not found at the Colombo port
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The Industrial Zone The water front space availability not found at the Colombo port

The Industries in Place cement grinding plant, cement packaging plant, sugar refinery plant, three p
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The Industries in Place cement grinding plant, cement packaging plant, sugar refinery plant, three petro chemical companies, two vehicle assembly plants and four companies in warehousing from Pakistan, India and

entrepot While the industries will be within a customs free area it will be possible to export these
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entrepot While the industries will be within a customs free area it will be possible to export these products without paying customs duty. However, if these products were sold within the country they would be subject to duties.

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