IELTS Teacher. The Key to IELTS Success - Cullen Pauline

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Contents 1. Understanding the problem 3 2. Learning how to learn 8 3. Vocabulary for IELTS 16 4. Grammar for IELTS 28 5. The Key to IELTS Reading 43 6. The Key to IELTS Writing Task 1 68 7. The key to IELTS Writing Task 2 78 8. The Key to IELTS Listening 106 9. The Key to IELTS Speaking 122 10. Resources for IELTS 135 Introduction In 2012, I started writing my 5th IELTS preparation book, The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS, and at the same time, I began answering questions about the test on social media. I naively thought that I would tell people how to improve their score, they would thank me, and that would be that. I had not at all anticipated that the candidates I was in contact with would question my advice or believe that they knew better than me. This is when I realised that mine was a tiny voice in a very crowded marketplace. A forum where the loudest voices, with millions of followers, were often saying almost the opposite to me. The dominant message of these voices is,
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